Monday, May 14, 2007

Week 2

I will add to this as the week continues, but found an interesting topic to discuss this week. Podcasting! I have put a few of them in the top right hand corner. The first one I found interesting because CNN, being a major source of news, has jumped on the informational technology bandwagon by having Anderson Cooper's reports podcasted daily. This may be insignificant to some, but I find it appealing because we recently had a discussion on how soon we would see podcasting in an educational setting. If news agencies are toying with podcasting, I'm sure that it won't be long before we can see podcasting in high schools, middle schools, and possibly elementary schools. I didn't mention Higher Education (HE) because universities are already using the technology in their courses.
Way to COOL! If you are an Elementary Teacher and want an effective way to incorporate technology in your classroom, please look at the following site,
This place is amazing. We know that most students have an Ipod or some form of MP3 media player. This site allows you to put books on these audio devices. This could be an excellent way to convert a normal listening center into a tech-savy listening center. The link is provided in the podcasting section.

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